For Emergencies: +91-8118060163

Community Health

The Community Health Department of CHB serves as a Window for the institution – enabling those of us inside to understand and relate to the villages around us ; and also creating a bridge for the people in those villages to engage with CHB. The work of the Department is called Mitra and functions in 3 units :

The Mitra Project
It works with 12,700 people in 53 predominantly tribal villages, towards the dream of Health, Education, Economic Security and Social Empowerment for all. This is carried out through a network of 3 Cluster Teams, 2 Village Health centers and about 75 Village volunteers, supported by a Base Team at CHB. The primary health care programme includes Mobile Clinic visits to each village every month , with focused initiatives for Malaria, Nutrition, MCH, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Hypothyroidism and care of the elderly.
Through the Mitra Education initiatives , CHB pursues the goal of universal access to Primary Education through The Milah Kahin Basa programme for preschool children , The AQTE (Add Quality To Education ) in village primary Health schools and Summer Coaching Camp for 10 th standard students.

The Mitra Residential School, Kachapaju :-
A residential adivasi school with 155 children from Grade 1 to 5, providing innovative, quality education.

The Mitra Training & Resource Unit :-
It widens the impact of CHB through Training programmes, Consultancy services and relevant Publications.