Laboratory and blood bank comprises a part of the diagnostic service of CHB. We have a well equipped laboratory with, 2 semi automated analyzer for Biochemistry. There are 2,3 parts cell counter for CBC. Our participation in the quality assurance program for Biochemistry at CMC, Vellore, helps us in regulating the accuracy of our reports. The team is kept on its toes with about 150-200 sample collection per day. About 28700 CBC profile and 50600 tests are done per year. All the other tests amount to 4 40 000 per year.
We also have a well equipped blood bank. It is run as per the OSACS and NACO guidelines. ELISA tests are run for testing the donor samples. Our blood bank caters its transfusion service in the various departments as the Gynaecology, Surgical and Medical Units. During this tenure we had more than 1,000 donations, of which 5-10% donations were made voluntarily by our staff. Quality being our motto, blood bank has also been enrolled in the CMC EQAS programme.
We have a sole radiographer who handles about 10500 X-Rays per year. The equipment used includes two static and one portable. We also have ultrasound services.